Di Jepang sekarang ini sangat popular sekali trend minum air segera setelah Bangun pagi. Apalagi, test ilmiah telah membuktikan keampuhannya. Kami memberikan deskripsi penggunaan air kepada pembaca kami dibawah ini.. Terapi air ini telah dibuktikan sukses oleh kumpulan pengobatan Jepang untuk penyakit lama dan serius dan juga penyakit moderen. Penyakit-penyakit tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:
Sakit kepala, sakit badan, system jantung, arthritis, detak jantung cepat, epilepsi, kelebihan berat badan, asma bronchitis, penyakit ginjal dan urin, muntah-muntah, asam lambung, diare, diabetes, susah buang air besar, semua penyakit mata, rahim, kanker, datang bulan lancar, dan penyakit telinga, hidung dan kerongkongan.
1.. Setelah anda Bangun pagi sebelum mengosok gigi, minum 4 x 160 gelas air
2.. Gosok dan bersihkan mulut tetapi jangan makan ataupun minum apapun selama 45 menit
3.. Setelah 45 menit anda boleh makan dan minum seperti biasa
4.. Setelah 15 menit sarapan, makan siang dan makan malam, jangan makan ataupun minum apapun selama 2 jam
5.. Untuk anda yang tua ataupun sakit dan tidak dapat minum 4 gelas air pada saat mulai bisa digantikan dengan meminum sedikit air terlebih dahulu dan kemudian ditingkatkan secara berkala hingga 4 gelas per hari.
6.. Metode diatas adalah terapi untuk mengobati penyakit dari orang yang sakit dan orang lain dapat menikmati hidup yang sehat.
Daftar berikut adalah jumlah hari yang dibutuhkan untuk terapi pengobatan/control/ mengurangi penyakit utama:
1.. Tekanan darah tinggi (30 hari)
2.. Asam lambung (10 hari)
3.. Diabetes (30 hari)
4.. Susah buang air besar/konstipasi (10 hari)
5.. Kanker (180 hari)
6.. Tuberculosis (90 hari)
7.. Pasien arthritis disarankan untuk mengikuti terapi diatas ini hanya 3 hari pada minggu pertama dan dari minggu kedua dan seterusnya - setiap hari

Metode pengobatan ini tidak mempunyai efek samping, tetapi pada saat pelaksanaan pengobatan ini anda mungkin akan buang air beberapa kali.
Adalah lebih baik jika kita melanjutkan terapi ini dan menjadikan prosedur ini sebagai rutinitas kerja dalam kehidupan kita. Minum air dan tetap sehat dan aktif.
Hal ini masuk akal.... Orang Cina dan Jepang minum the hangat pada saat makan mereka ... bukan air dingin. Mungkin sudah waktunya kita mengadopsi kebiasaan minum mereka sewaktu makan !!!
Untuk yang suka minum air dingin, artikel ini mungkin berguna untuk anda. Adalah enak untuk minum minuman dingin setelah makan. Bagaimanapun, air dingin akan memadatkan minyak yang anda konsumsi. Ia akan memperlambat pencernaan.
Sekali "kotoran" ini bereaksi dengan asam, ia akan dipecah dan diserap oleh intestine lebih cepat daripada makanan padat. Ia akan berbaris dalam usus besar. Dengan cepat, ini akan berubah menjadi lemak dan menjadi pemicu kanker. Adalah sangat bagus untuk minum sup hangat ataupun air hangat setelah makan.
Pesan yang serius untuk serangan jantung:

•Wanita seharusnya tahu jika tidak semua simptom serangan jantung adalah sakit pada lengan kiri.

•Berhati-hatilah terhadap sakit yang sangat pada garis rahang

•Kamu mungkin tidak pernah merasakan sakit pertama pada dada selama serangan jantung

•Pusing dan keringat berlebihan merupakan simptom pada umumnya.

.60% dari orang mengalami serangan jantung ketika mereka sedang tidur tetapi tidak bangun lagi.

•Sakit pada rahang dapat membangunkan anda dari tidur yang lelap. Mari berhati-hati dan sadar. Makin banyak kita tahu, kesempatan bertahan hidup menjadi lebih besar

How to be a better manager

Need – This presentation is prepared in light of the attrition rate in the industry which is too high. The power of an organization’s managers in creating the organization’s values, environment, culture and actions is immeasurable. Organizations need managers who can manage their employees and is trustworthy, cares about people as well as the business and acts with integrity.
The need for good managers is increasing .
In todays scenario need for good managers who can manage themselves as well others in high stress environment is increasing .
Any one can be a good manager as it is as much as a trainable skill as it is inherent ability.
What you are as a person
You are always ready to Learn :-

You have confidence in yourself and your abilities. You are happy with who you are, but you are still learning and getting better
You are a peoples person
You are an extrovert. Management is a people skill - it’s not the job for someone who doesn’t enjoy people. You have to interact with them
Honesty & Integrity
You are honest & straight forward . Your success depends heavily on the trust of others. You never compromise with your honesty & integrity
You are a generous contributor
Effective managers are great givers & they give it freely.
Put your People First
Put your people first. The bottom line about being a good manager is this: If your employees don't perform well, you don't perform well. Every good manager must learn how to train, support and motivate his or her employees. If you don't take the time to support your staff and ensure their needs are being met, all of your work will be useless. After all, says Moore, "If you don't develop your people, you have nothing."
Be a Credible Manager
Effective managers establish a system of values.
You have to make yourself accountable to people in authority.
Effective managers understand that no good ever comes out of authority without accountability
You are an includer
Being a manager you need to involve your team members in whatever you do.You don’t exclude others because they lack certain attributes.To become an effective manager learn to tap & develop people.
Keep your employess within the loop. Inform them of all decisions that will affect and be affected by their work. Don’t treat them as mindless machines that are used only to get the job done.
Make others feel your Presence
Mangers are to be leaders. Effective leaders have a quality about them that makes people notice when they enter a room.
You are ethical in your approach
A manager has to be very ethical.He is the face of the team.His subordinates & team members will pay him regard only if they find their leader ethical.
Don’t be Partial
Never try to show discrimation in group.If somebody is not competent try to make them learn.Treat everyone equally in group
Don’t show discrimination
Being a good manager you should never discriminate among your team members.
Treat your people equally.
Be calm but dignified
Don’t be rude with others
You can be firm but not harsh
Don’t use hurting words in your statement
Be a Mentor
Not everyone can learn his / her job from the first day.Train your team members wherever they are facing problem
Rather than shouting on others who are not as good as you on that job try to make them learn.Your team members will pay high regards to you.
You have to be convincing
You should have strong convincing power
You don’t have to impose something forcibly rather than try to be logical in your approach.If your logics are correct you can convince people
Analysying Power
Don’t come to any conclusion in hurry, rather try to analyze the project before you are going to start that
Your analytical approach will definitely help your assignment to be a success.
You should have the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or experiencing the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself.You should have the ability to recognize & perceive the feeling & emotions of others.If you want to persuade people to your view, start where they are and work from that position.By putting yourself in their shoes, you develop a sensitivity to their needs.This allows you to better adress the issues concerning them.
Be a Motivator
Always motivate your team members.Give credits to them for their good performance.
. To motivate your people better, figure out what they want and how you can give that to them for doing what you want them to do.
You should have the ability to maintain privacy
If any of your employee or team member share with you anything personal as well as professional you should have the ability to maintain his / her privacy.Never share somebody’s personal thing with others.
On the Job Manager
You are consistent, but not rigid; dependable, but can change your mind.
You make decisions, but easily accept input from others.
You are not afraid to “do the math”. You make plans and schedules and work toward them.
You see information as a tool to be used, not as power to be hoarded.
You are a little bit crazy. You think out-of-the box. You try new things and if they fail, you admit the mistake, but don’t apologize for having tried
Top things to make a good manager
When a member of staff does a job well, make sure you notice it, and acknowledge her or him for it. Don't let the opportunity to praise a piece of good work go by
Never, ever, humiliate anyone on your staff team
If you are annoyed with someone on your team, or they have done something wrong, make sure you keep your cool, especially in public. If you humiliate someone, he or she will hold a grudge against you, and their work will suffer too
Create a culture where mistakes are OK
If you don't make mistakes, chances are you are not stretching yourself. If your staff are allowed to feel that mistakes are part of reaching for new highs, rather than something to feel bad about, or shamed for, then they will take more risks on your behalf
Remember personal details
Take time to get to know your staff, who they are, who is important in their lives, etc. Be interested in them as people, not just as workers
Don't hide behind your position
Be human and friendly with your staff - that way you will all be able to support and encourage each other when things are tough
Be approachable
Allow your staff to feel that they can come and talk to you about sensitive issues, about inside- and outside-work difficulties, and that you will respect them, and not hold what they share against them
Admit your mistakes
If you get it wrong, say so. Managers don't have to be infallible! Your staff will respect you more if you are able to admit your mistakes, and then set about sorting out a solution
Listen in such a way that your employees will talk to you
Often people feel afraid of, or intimidated by, management. Make sure you show people that you are willing to listen to what they have to say, that they are important and worthy of your time
Criticize in a constructive manner
If you feel that an employee has the potential to do much better at his/her job, take them aside and tell them how you feel. Sometimes, the belief that a superior has in you pushes you to achieve more.
Avoid last minute tasks
No one likes to start a task at the end of the day, especially when you have other plans for the evening. Do not throw work at your employees just as they are about to call it a day
Be clear in your requests
It is your responsibility to ensure that people understand your requests - so communicate clearly, and ask if people have understood what you are asking for
Treat everyone respectfully and courteously at all times.
Particularly when there is a problem! Everyone who works for you is a valuable human being who deserves respect. A manager is only as good as how she or he treats the people on her or his team
Skill with People
Understanding people & human nature:-Being a good manager its very important to understand people & human nature
When you have a proper understanding of human nature & people –when you know why people do the things that they do – when you know why and how people will react under certain conditions – then only you become a skillful manager.
Consider Following Points
Talk to people
Make people feel important
Agree with People
Thanks People
Praise People
Skillfully listen to people
Convince people
Be a Peoples Person
People are the most precious resource.
Your success ,fulfillment & happiness depends on your ability to relate well to different kinds of people.This is why it is very important for you to become a people’s person.
The Golden Rule
The key to successful interpersonal relationship is to treat people the way you want to be treated.This is called the golden rule.Instead of putting people in their place ,learn to put yourself in their place & see life the way they see it.
Qualities People want in a good manager
People no matter what their station in life is are mostly drawn to those who know how to
Encourage & Appreciate Them
Forgive , Listen & Understand
Charismatic Manager
People are drawn to charismatic individual.Charismatic individual have a personality that makes people respond to them positively.To become a better manager you need to develop charisma.
The key to developing charishma is to make other people feel good about themselves rather than to make them feel good about you.
Traits of a Charismatic Manager
1)Concern –The Ability to care
Charismatic people are truly concerned about people’s deepest needs & interests
They are very sincere in their approach &truly care you & make you feel important
Taking an employee to task in front of his/her colleagues,even though he/she may have erred has the worst kind of demoralizing effect .On the other hand, complementing them on a job well done in the presence of others serves to motivate them to perform
Help (The Ability to Reach out)
Charismatic people are help other people with their problems.They inspire them to face their problems & offer creative solutions and hope
Action (The Ability to make things happen)
Charismatic people are never boring.They are always creative & confident in the way they present ideas or solutions.
Charismatic people are other-centered and genuinely wish for other people to succeed .This traits inspires productivity in people
Result (The Ability to produce)
Influence (The ability to lead)
Charismatic managers are natural leaders.They know how to influence people & make them follow their lead.

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